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Swing Wren

A member registered Dec 27, 2019

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Thanks for the reply!. What i mean is that using

ConfigRaw configRaw = JsonHelper.ArrayFromJson<ConfigRaw>

 With '={OtherSheet!A:A}'  it causes configRaw to have 999 elements (all rows).

Ieps! great tool.

I have two questions though. How do you properly import data with columns that have a formula like this '={OtherSheet!A:A}' ? right now importing that data causes to import all the spreadsheet rows, I can filter the ones that are valid but maybe there is a better solution. The second question is related on how to securely handle the password in the connection file that is only needed in the editor (not store it in the repository), do you have any recommended solution to that? right now I'm just using a file ignored in in git that contains the password.
